<!-- Notes: 1) Any referenced vendors, users, etc. need to exist in P2P when the purchase requisition is imported. 2) Updating data for existing requisitions is not supported. --> <PurchaseRequisition xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Requisition classification. --> <Classification>Internal costs</Classification> <!-- Specifies delivery address for the purchase requisition. If no address specified, uses the default delivery address of organization (configured in P2P). Delivery address on header level applies to entire purchase reuisition. If addresses are also provided on requisition lines, these will apply only to the corresponding lines. --> <DeliveryAddress> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Additional street name. --> <AdditionalStreetName></AdditionalStreetName> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Block name. --> <BlockName></BlockName> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Building name. --> <BuildingName></BuildingName> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Building number. --> <BuildingNumber>68</BuildingNumber> <!-- (string, 250, optional) City. --> <City>Toronto</City> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Country code. --> <CountryCode>CA</CountryCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Country name. --> <CountryName>Canada</CountryName> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Department. --> <Department></Department> <!-- (string, 1000, optional) Description. --> <Description></Description> <!-- (string, 250, optional) District. --> <District></District> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Floor. --> <Floor></Floor> <!-- (string, 13, optional) Global location number. --> <GlobalLocationNumber></GlobalLocationNumber> <!-- (string, 2000, optional) Scheme id associated with global location number. --> <LocationSchemeId></LocationSchemeId> <!-- (string, 250) Specifies the address’ name for the goods delivery. Min 1 char. --> <Name>Maple street office</Name> <!-- (string, 250, optional) PO box --> <PObox></PObox> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Postal zone. --> <PostalZone>02600</PostalZone> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Region. --> <Region></Region> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Room. --> <Room></Room> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Street name. --> <StreetName>Maple street</StreetName> <!-- (string, 2000, optional) AddressId. --> <AddressId>12345</AddressId> <!-- (string, 2000, optional) AddressSchemeId. --> <AddressSchemeId>abcdef</AddressSchemeId> </DeliveryAddress> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Delivery instructions for goods/services. --> <DeliveryInstructions>Please deliver between 9-17.</DeliveryInstructions> <!-- (date, optional) Date when goods/services are expected to be delivered. --> <DesiredDeliveryDate>2021-11-01</DesiredDeliveryDate> <!-- (date, optional) End date when goods/services are expected to be delivered. --> <DesiredDeliveryEndDate>2021-11-21</DesiredDeliveryEndDate> <!-- (string, 100) The requisition line number in the external system. The value must be unique for each line on the requisition. Min 2 chars. --> <ExtRequisitionNumber>26891239</ExtRequisitionNumber> <!-- (date, optional) HeaderDataDate1-5: Can be used for customer-specific date fields. --> <HeaderDataDate1>2020-01-01</HeaderDataDate1> <!-- (date, optional) HeaderDataDate1-5: Can be used for customer-specific date fields. --> <HeaderDataDate2>2020-01-01</HeaderDataDate2> <!-- (date, optional) HeaderDataDate1-5: Can be used for customer-specific date fields. --> <HeaderDataDate3>2020-01-01</HeaderDataDate3> <!-- (date, optional) HeaderDataDate1-5: Can be used for customer-specific date fields. --> <HeaderDataDate4>2020-01-01</HeaderDataDate4> <!-- (date, optional) HeaderDataDate1-5: Can be used for customer-specific date fields. --> <HeaderDataDate5>2020-01-01</HeaderDataDate5> <!-- (decimal, optional) HeaderDataNum1-5: Can be used for customer-specific numeric fields. --> <HeaderDataNum1></HeaderDataNum1> <!-- (decimal, optional) HeaderDataNum1-5: Can be used for customer-specific numeric fields. --> <HeaderDataNum2></HeaderDataNum2> <!-- (decimal, optional) HeaderDataNum1-5: Can be used for customer-specific numeric fields. --> <HeaderDataNum3></HeaderDataNum3> <!-- (decimal, optional) HeaderDataNum1-5: Can be used for customer-specific numeric fields. --> <HeaderDataNum4></HeaderDataNum4> <!-- (decimal, optional) HeaderDataNum1-5: Can be used for customer-specific numeric fields. --> <HeaderDataNum5></HeaderDataNum5> <!-- (string, 250, optional) HeaderDataText1-5: Can be used for customer-specific text fields. --> <HeaderDataText1></HeaderDataText1> <!-- (string, 250, optional) HeaderDataText1-5: Can be used for customer-specific text fields. --> <HeaderDataText2></HeaderDataText2> <!-- (string, 250, optional) HeaderDataText1-5: Can be used for customer-specific text fields. --> <HeaderDataText3></HeaderDataText3> <!-- (string, 250, optional) HeaderDataText1-5: Can be used for customer-specific text fields. --> <HeaderDataText4></HeaderDataText4> <!-- (string, 250, optional) HeaderDataText1-5: Can be used for customer-specific text fields. --> <HeaderDataText5></HeaderDataText5> <!-- (string, 50, optional) A custom identifier for the buyer organization, as defined in Basware P2P Administration. Alternatively, organizationUnitCode can be used. Both cannot be used simultaneously. --> <OrganizationIdentifier>003749272021</OrganizationIdentifier> <!-- (string, 100, optional) The code that identifies the buyer organization, as defined in Basware P2P Administration. Alternatively, organizationIdentifier can be used. Both cannot be used simultaneously. --> <OrganizationUnitCode>BW00</OrganizationUnitCode> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Login username for the requisition owner. The user must have 'Use Basware Purchase' user right. Users with Use restricted/simplified Basware Purchase user rights are invalid. --> <OwnerLogin>BASWARE\JOHNSMITH</OwnerLogin> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Purchasing Group Code. --> <PurchasingGroupCode>P3</PurchasingGroupCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Purchasing Group Name. --> <PurchasingGroupName>IT-equipment for internal use</PurchasingGroupName> <!-- (string, 2000) Requisition purpose. --> <Purpose>To Replace 3 years old laptop according to company policy.</Purpose> <!-- (decimal, optional) Indicates if the requisition is automatically sent to approval process. Available values: '1' - requisition is sent to process, '0' - requisition is saved as draft. --> <SendToProcess>1</SendToProcess> <RequisitionLines> <!-- The requisition must contain at least one line, and can contain up to 200 lines. When Basware P2P creates the requisition it numbers the lines internally based on their order in the XML. All lines on the requisition must have the same currencyCode. At least one line must contain a positive Quantity value. Total price for each requisition line is calculated by Basware P2P from the quantity, unit price, and applicable taxes and discounts. All supplierCodes stated on requisition lines needs to exist in P2P as valid supplier. These suppliers needs to have an ordering method defined in P2P (else requisition will be imported with empty supplier). Suppliers using email ordering method need also to have a valid ordering email defined. --> <RequisitionLine> <!-- (string, 2000, optional) Additional information. --> <AdditionalInfo></AdditionalInfo> <!-- (string, 10, optional) Indicates if the partial delivery of goods is allowed. Available values: True / False. If empty, defaults to false. --> <AllowPartialDeliveries>False</AllowPartialDeliveries> <!-- (string, 10, optional) Specifies if order is attached as pdf file when order is sent to supplier through Basware network. Available values: True / False. --> <AttachOrderPdfToXml>True</AttachOrderPdfToXml> <!-- (string, 10, optional) Indicates if the goods can be automatically received by Basware P2P on behalf of the user. If empty, defaults to false. --> <ReceiveAutomatically>False</ReceiveAutomatically> <!-- (string, 250, optional) A code that identifies purchased items for internal reporting and communication. --> <BuyerProductCode>38172105</BuyerProductCode> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Code for the item's purchasing category. The code must match a valid, active purchasing category for the organization. If invalid, the field will be emptied during import. --> <CategoryCode>100</CategoryCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Name for the item's purchasing category. Informative field, P2P will look up the name based on code. --> <CategoryName>Office suppliers</CategoryName> <!-- Each requisition line can have only one coding row. --> <CodingRows> <CodingRow> <!-- (string, optional) Informative field (not used in import). --> <RequisitionLineNumber>1</RequisitionLineNumber> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Account assignment category code. If empty, defaults based on the item's purchasing category. --> <AccountAssignmentCategoryCode></AccountAssignmentCategoryCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Account assignment category name. If empty, defaults based on the item's purchasing category. --> <AccountAssignmentCategoryName></AccountAssignmentCategoryName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Defines code for the account. If empty, defaults based on item's purchasing category. --> <AccountCode>10017</AccountCode> <!-- (string, 2000, optional) Defines name for the account. If empty, defaults based on the item's purchasing category. --> <AccountName>IT equipment costs</AccountName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Defines a code for the budget. --> <BudgetCode>B36782</BudgetCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Defines name for the budget. --> <BudgetName>IT equipment 2020</BudgetName> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Business area name. --> <BusinessAreaName></BusinessAreaName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Business area code. --> <BusinessAreaCode></BusinessAreaCode> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Business unit code. --> <BusinessUnitCode></BusinessUnitCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Business unit name. --> <BusinessUnitName></BusinessUnitName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Cost center code. If empty, the requisition owner's default cost center is used. --> <CostCenterCode>23800</CostCenterCode> <!-- (string, 2000, optional) Cost center name. --> <CostCenterName>Lift engine research</CostCenterName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Customer code. --> <CustomerCode></CustomerCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Customer name. --> <CustomerName></CustomerName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Distribution code. --> <DistributionCode></DistributionCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Distribution mode. --> <DistributionMode></DistributionMode> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Employee code. If empty, defaults to requisition owner's employee code. --> <EmployeeCode>815722</EmployeeCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Employee name. If empty, defaults to requisition owner's name. --> <EmployeeName>Jim Green</EmployeeName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Fixed asset code. --> <FixedAssetsCode></FixedAssetsCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Fixed asset name. --> <FixedAssetsName></FixedAssetsName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Fixed asset sub code. --> <FixedAssetsSubCode></FixedAssetsSubCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Fixed asset sub name. --> <FixedAssetsSubName></FixedAssetsSubName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Internal order code. --> <InternalOrderCode></InternalOrderCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Internal order name. --> <InternalOrderName></InternalOrderName> <!-- (date, optional) Date1-5 are custom fields in the business document. --> <LineInvoicingDate1></LineInvoicingDate1> <!-- (date, optional) Date2 --> <LineInvoicingDate2></LineInvoicingDate2> <!-- (date, optional) Date3 --> <LineInvoicingDate3></LineInvoicingDate3> <!-- (date, optional) Date4 --> <LineInvoicingDate4></LineInvoicingDate4> <!-- (date, optional) Date5 --> <LineInvoicingDate5></LineInvoicingDate5> <!-- (string, 25, optional) DimCode1-10 are often used for additional, customer-specific, coding dimensions. Specifies the dimension code. --> <LineInvoicingDimCode1>236710</LineInvoicingDimCode1> <!-- (string, 25, optional) DimCode10 --> <LineInvoicingDimCode10></LineInvoicingDimCode10> <!-- (string, 25, optional) DimCode2 --> <LineInvoicingDimCode2></LineInvoicingDimCode2> <!-- (string, 25, optional) DimCode3 --> <LineInvoicingDimCode3></LineInvoicingDimCode3> <!-- (string, 25, optional) DimCode4 --> <LineInvoicingDimCode4></LineInvoicingDimCode4> <!-- (string, 25, optional) DimCode5 --> <LineInvoicingDimCode5></LineInvoicingDimCode5> <!-- (string, 25, optional) DimCode6 --> <LineInvoicingDimCode6></LineInvoicingDimCode6> <!-- (string, 25, optional) DimCode7 --> <LineInvoicingDimCode7></LineInvoicingDimCode7> <!-- (string, 25, optional) DimCode8 --> <LineInvoicingDimCode8></LineInvoicingDimCode8> <!-- (string, 25, optional) DimCode9 --> <LineInvoicingDimCode9></LineInvoicingDimCode9> <!-- (string, 250, optional) DimName1-10 is used for additional, customer-specific, coding dimensions. Specifies the dimension name. --> <LineInvoicingDimName1>Maple street office</LineInvoicingDimName1> <!-- (string, 250, optional) DimName2 --> <LineInvoicingDimName10></LineInvoicingDimName10> <!-- (string, 250, optional) DimName3 --> <LineInvoicingDimName2></LineInvoicingDimName2> <!-- (string, 250, optional) DimName4 --> <LineInvoicingDimName3></LineInvoicingDimName3> <!-- (string, 250, optional) DimName5 --> <LineInvoicingDimName4></LineInvoicingDimName4> <!-- (string, 250, optional) DimName6 --> <LineInvoicingDimName5></LineInvoicingDimName5> <!-- (string, 250, optional) DimName7 --> <LineInvoicingDimName6></LineInvoicingDimName6> <!-- (string, 250, optional) DimName8 --> <LineInvoicingDimName7></LineInvoicingDimName7> <!-- (string, 250, optional) DimName9 --> <LineInvoicingDimName8></LineInvoicingDimName8> <!-- (string, 250, optional) DimName10 --> <LineInvoicingDimName9></LineInvoicingDimName9> <!-- (decimal, optional) Num1-5 are custom fields in the business document. --> <LineInvoicingNum1></LineInvoicingNum1> <!-- (decimal, optional) Num2 --> <LineInvoicingNum2></LineInvoicingNum2> <!-- (decimal, optional) Num3 --> <LineInvoicingNum3></LineInvoicingNum3> <!-- (decimal, optional) Num4 --> <LineInvoicingNum4></LineInvoicingNum4> <!-- (decimal, optional) Num5 --> <LineInvoicingNum5></LineInvoicingNum5> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Text1-5 are custom fields in the business document. --> <LineInvoicingText1></LineInvoicingText1> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Text2 --> <LineInvoicingText2></LineInvoicingText2> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Text3 --> <LineInvoicingText3></LineInvoicingText3> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Text4 --> <LineInvoicingText4></LineInvoicingText4> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Text5 --> <LineInvoicingText5></LineInvoicingText5> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Profit center code. --> <ProfitCenterCode></ProfitCenterCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Profit center name. --> <ProfitCenterName></ProfitCenterName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Project code. --> <ProjectCode></ProjectCode> <!-- (string, 255, optional) Project name. --> <ProjectName></ProjectName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Project sub code. --> <ProjectSubCode></ProjectSubCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Project sub name. --> <ProjectSubName></ProjectSubName> <!-- (decimal, optional) Informative field (not used in import). --> <RowIndex>1</RowIndex> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Sales order code. --> <SalesOrderCode></SalesOrderCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Sales order name. --> <SalesOrderName></SalesOrderName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Sales order sub code. --> <SalesOrderSubCode></SalesOrderSubCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Sales order sub name. --> <SalesOrderSubName></SalesOrderSubName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Service code. --> <ServiceCode></ServiceCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Service name. --> <ServiceName></ServiceName> <!-- (decimal, optional) Defines percentage of cost to be allocated to the coding line. Reserved for use for multiple coding lines. Please use '100' as only one coding row per requisition line is currently supported. --> <SplitPercent>100</SplitPercent> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Vehicle name. --> <VehicleName></VehicleName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Vehicle number. --> <VehicleNumber></VehicleNumber> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Work order code. --> <WorkOrderCode></WorkOrderCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Work order name. --> <WorkOrderName></WorkOrderName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Work order sub code. --> <WorkOrderSubCode></WorkOrderSubCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Work order sub name. --> <WorkOrderSubName></WorkOrderSubName> </CodingRow> </CodingRows> <!-- (string, 255, optional) Contract number. --> <ContractNumber></ContractNumber> <!-- (0, optional) Conversion denominator. --> <ConversionDenumerator></ConversionDenumerator> <!-- (0, optional) Conversion numerator. --> <ConversionNumerator></ConversionNumerator> <!-- (string, 25) A code that identifies the currency of the price on the line. All requisition lines must have the same currency code. If the code is different from the organization's currency, an exchange rate must exist for both codes in Basware P2P Administration, or the import will fail. --> <CurrencyCode>EUR</CurrencyCode> <!-- Specifies delivery address for the purchase requisition. If no address specified, uses the default delivery address of organization (configured in P2P). Delivery address on header level applies to entire purchase reuisition. If addresses are also provided on requisition lines, these will apply only to the corresponding lines. --> <DeliveryAddress> <!-- (string, optional) Informative field (not used in import). --> <RequisitionLineNumber>1</RequisitionLineNumber> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Additional street name. --> <AdditionalStreetName></AdditionalStreetName> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Block name. --> <BlockName></BlockName> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Building name. --> <BuildingName></BuildingName> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Building number. --> <BuildingNumber>68</BuildingNumber> <!-- (string, 250, optional) City. --> <City>Toronto</City> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Country code. --> <CountryCode>CA</CountryCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Country name. --> <CountryName>Canada</CountryName> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Department. --> <Department></Department> <!-- (string, 1000, optional) Description. --> <Description></Description> <!-- (string, 250, optional) District. --> <District></District> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Floor. --> <Floor></Floor> <!-- (string, 13, optional) Global location number. --> <GlobalLocationNumber></GlobalLocationNumber> <!-- (string, 2000, optional) Scheme id associated with global location number. --> <LocationSchemeId></LocationSchemeId> <!-- (string, 250) Specifies the address’ name for the goods delivery. Min 1 char. --> <Name>Maple street office</Name> <!-- (string, 250, optional) PO box --> <PObox></PObox> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Postal zone. --> <PostalZone>02600</PostalZone> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Region. --> <Region></Region> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Room. --> <Room></Room> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Street name. --> <StreetName>Maple street</StreetName> </DeliveryAddress> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Identifier for the agreed delivery term for the item. If empty, supplier's delivery term is used. --> <DeliveryTermCode></DeliveryTermCode> <!-- (string, 2000, optional) Description. --> <Description></Description> <!-- (date, optional) Desired date the goods are to be delivered. --> <DesiredDeliveryDate>2022-06-06</DesiredDeliveryDate> <!-- (decimal, optional) Discount percent. --> <DiscountPercent>0</DiscountPercent> <!-- (string, 0) The requisition line number in the external system. The value must be unique for each line on the requisition. --> <ExtRequisitionLineNumber>1</ExtRequisitionLineNumber> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Not used by P2P (reserved for later use). --> <GRIndicator></GRIndicator> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Note for receiving goods. --> <GRNote></GRNote> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Not used by P2P (reserved for later use). --> <GRbasedInvoicing></GRbasedInvoicing> <!-- (string, 255, optional) LeadTime defines how long (number of days) would it take for goods to arrive after the order has been placed. Should be stated as whole numbers (“1”, “2”) not (“one”, “two”) --> <LeadTime>10</LeadTime> <!-- (date, optional) LineDataDate1-5 can be used for customer-specific date fields. This data will go to ‘Line data’ -tab of the requisition line in P2P. --> <LineDataDate1></LineDataDate1> <!-- (date, optional) --> <LineDataDate2></LineDataDate2> <!-- (date, optional) --> <LineDataDate3></LineDataDate3> <!-- (date, optional) --> <LineDataDate4></LineDataDate4> <!-- (date, optional) --> <LineDataDate5></LineDataDate5> <!-- (decimal, optional) LineDataNum1-5 can be used for customer-specific numeric fields. These will go to ‘Line data’ -tab of the requisition line in P2P. --> <LineDataNum1></LineDataNum1> <!-- (decimal, optional) --> <LineDataNum2></LineDataNum2> <!-- (decimal, optional) --> <LineDataNum3></LineDataNum3> <!-- (decimal, optional) --> <LineDataNum4></LineDataNum4> <!-- (decimal, optional) --> <LineDataNum5></LineDataNum5> <!-- (string, 250, optional) LineDataText1-5 can be used for customer-specific text fields. These will go to ‘Line data’ -tab of the requisition line in P2P. --> <LineDataText1></LineDataText1> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineDataText2></LineDataText2> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineDataText3></LineDataText3> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineDataText4></LineDataText4> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineDataText5></LineDataText5> <!-- (date, optional) LinePricingDate1-5 can be used for customer-specific date fields. These will go to ‘Pricing’ -tab of the requisition line in P2P. --> <LinePricingDate1></LinePricingDate1> <!-- (date, optional) --> <LinePricingDate2></LinePricingDate2> <!-- (date, optional) --> <LinePricingDate3></LinePricingDate3> <!-- (date, optional) --> <LinePricingDate4></LinePricingDate4> <!-- (date, optional) --> <LinePricingDate5></LinePricingDate5> <!-- (decimal, optional) LinePricingNum1-5 can be used for customer-specific numeric fields. These will go to ‘Pricing’ -tab of the requisition line in P2P. --> <LinePricingNum1></LinePricingNum1> <!-- (decimal, optional) --> <LinePricingNum2></LinePricingNum2> <!-- (decimal, optional) --> <LinePricingNum3></LinePricingNum3> <!-- (decimal, optional) --> <LinePricingNum4></LinePricingNum4> <!-- (decimal, optional) --> <LinePricingNum5></LinePricingNum5> <!-- (string, 250, optional) LinePricingText1-5 can be used for customer-specific text fields. These will go to ‘Pricing’ -tab of the requisition line in P2P. --> <LinePricingText1></LinePricingText1> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LinePricingText2></LinePricingText2> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LinePricingText3></LinePricingText3> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LinePricingText4></LinePricingText4> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LinePricingText5></LinePricingText5> <!-- (string, 255, optional) ManufacturerProductCode is item's ID provided by the manufacturer. --> <ManufacturerProductCode>Agent-1</ManufacturerProductCode> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Material group. --> <MaterialGroup></MaterialGroup> <!-- (string, 1800, optional) Contact email to which supplier can send questions about the order. Can contain multiple email addresses separated by semicolon. The order is also sent to these addresses when orderRecipientType is '1' (Owner) or '2' (Owner and supplier). --> <OrderOwnerEmailAddress>john.wolf@basware.com</OrderOwnerEmailAddress> <!-- (integer, optional) Determines who order is sent to. 0: Supplier Order is sent only to supplier. If orderingMethod is email, order is sent to the email indicated by 'supplierEmailAddress'. -If orderingMethod is network, the order is sent through Basware network. 1: Owner - Order is sent only to email address(es) indicated by field 'orderOwnerEmailAddress'. Used for example when goods were picked up from a store and no order needs to be sent to supplier. 2: Owner and supplier - Order is sent to both supplier and email addresses indicated by field 'orderOwnerEmailAddress'. Order delivery method to supplier is determined by orderingMethod, same as above. --> <OrderRecipientType>0</OrderRecipientType> <!-- (string, 255, optional) Identifier for the agreed payment term to be used when supplier charges the customer. If empty, defaults to the supplier's payment term. --> <PaymentTermCode>NT60</PaymentTermCode> <!-- (string, 2000, optional) Name of the payment term. --> <PaymentTermName>60 days net</PaymentTermName> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Plant. --> <Plant></Plant> <!-- (decimal, optional) Defines if the unit price stated is net (0) or gross (1). If empty, defaults to net (0). --> <PriceType>0</PriceType> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Specifies unit in which the product is priced. Informative field (P2P does not apply logic to this field) --> <PriceUnit></PriceUnit> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Description of the price unit. --> <PriceUnitDescription></PriceUnitDescription> <!-- (decimal, optional) Defines how many items a customer wants to purchase. The quantity must contain a positive value. --> <Quantity>1</Quantity> <!-- (string, 10, optional) Quantity unit code. --> <QuantityUnit>PCS</QuantityUnit> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Quantity unit name. --> <QuantityUnitName>Pieces</QuantityUnitName> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Storage location. --> <StorageLocation></StorageLocation> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Sub-unit of measure, when used. --> <SubUOM></SubUOM> <!-- (string, 32, optional) A code to identify the supplier. The code must match a valid supplier for the organization (if not, it will be emptied during import.) If the purchase order is a self-service order and the supplier is invalid, the import will fail. --> <SupplierCode>10280</SupplierCode> <!-- (string, 1800, optional) Email address used to override the default supplier email address, when orderRecipientType is Supplier or SupplierAndOwner. --> <SupplierEmailAddress>john.smith@company.com</SupplierEmailAddress> <!-- (string, 255, optional) Supplier name. --> <SupplierName>ACME IT services and suppliers</SupplierName> <!-- (string, 50, optional) Supplier product code. --> <SupplierProductCode>00494233</SupplierProductCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Supplier product name. --> <SupplierProductName>Developer laptop, 15inch</SupplierProductName> <!-- (string, 32, optional) Defines name for the tax code. If empty, Basware P2P resolves the value using the tax percent from the purchasing category. --> <TaxCode>T25</TaxCode> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Tax juristiction code. --> <TaxJuristictionCode></TaxJuristictionCode> <!-- (decimal, optional) Defines the tax percent. If empty, Basware P2P resolves the value using the tax percent from the purchasing category. --> <TaxPercent>10</TaxPercent> <!-- (decimal, optional) Second tax percent. Used for example for handling reverse charges on EU VAT. --> <TaxPercent2>0</TaxPercent2> <!-- (string, 64, optional) The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code, a unique 8-digit number used to identify trade items, products, and services. The value can also be used to match order lines to invoice lines. If empty, resolved by Basware P2P using the item's categoryCode. --> <UNSPSC>43211578</UNSPSC> <!-- (decimal, optional) Price for a single unit without discount. Price type (Net / Gross) is specified in field 'priceType'. --> <UnitPrice>1050</UnitPrice> </RequisitionLine> </RequisitionLines> </PurchaseRequisition>